
Research Articles

Technology for value-addition to animal by-products

Ahn CH, Song S, Kim GD (축산식품과학과 산업, 2019)



Intramuscular fat can reduce the quality deterioration of frozen-thawed beef

Im C, Park J, Cheng H, Song S, Du L, Kim GD (2022 Seoul National University Applied Animal Science Major Retreat, 2022)

Effect of intramuscular structural variation on muscle fiber characteristics and meat quality of bovine longissimus thracis muscle rib and featherbone regions

Song S, Cheng H, Park J, Im C, Du L, Kim GD (2022 Seoul National University Applied Animal Science Major Retreat, 2022; Excellence Poster Presentation Award)

Understanding the diversity of muscle characteristics for cultured muscle tissue models

Kim GD (3rd International Seminar for the Current Technology of Cultured Meat, 2022; Invited Lecture)

Effect of intramuscular adipose tissue on reducing destruction of bovine longissimus lumborum muscles caused by freezing 

Im C, Park J, Cheng H, Song S, Kim GD (54th KoSFA International Symposium and Annual Meeting, 2022)

Differences in physicochemical and muscle fiber characteristics of porcine skeletal muscles with different morphologies

Park J, Song S, Cheng H, Im C, Kim GD (54th KoSFA International Symposium and Annual Meeting, 2022)

Understanding muscle morphology and muscle fiber characteristics for establishing cultured muscle tissue models

Kim GD (International seminar for the current technologies of cultured meat, 2021; Invited Lecture)

Intramuscular variation of muscle fiber characteristics and meat quality in bovine longissimus thoracis muscle

Song S, Cheng H, Jung EY, Kim GD (2021 Seoul National University Applied Animal Science Major Retreat, 2021)

Effect of freezing and freeze-thawing raw meat on characteristics of beef jerky

Cheng H, Song S, Jung EY, Kim GD (2021 Seoul National University Applied Animal Science Major Retreat, 2021)

Peptide markers for estimating the storage time of meat

Song S, Cheng H, Kim GD (2021 Korean Society of Animal Science & Technology Conference, 2021; Excellence Poster Presentation Award)

Protein degradation of duck meat during refrigerated storage and its relationship to meat quality characteristics

Cheng H, Song S, Kim GD (53th KoSFA International Conference & Annual Meeting, 2021)

Quantification of proteolysis-induced peptides in relation to meat quality characteristics of bovine M. longissimus lumborum

Song S, Cheng H, Kim GD (53th KoSFA International Conference & Annual Meeting, 2021)

Influence of aging on the digestibility of beef

Song S (2020 Seoul National University Applied Animal Science Major Retreat, 2020)

Changes in proteolytic peptides and meat quality between chicken pectoralis major and iliotibialis muscles during aging

Cheng H (2020 Seoul National University Applied Animal Science Major Retreat, 2020)

Improvement of the digestibility of tough beef (round and shank) by aging

Song S, Cheng H, Kim GD (52nd KoSFA International Conference & Annual Meeting, 2020; Excellence Oral Presentation Award)

Comparison of proteolysis trend and meat quality between chicken pectoralis major and iliotibialis muscle during 7 days of cold storage

Cheng H, Song S, Kim GD (52nd KoSFA International Conference & Annual Meeting , 2020; Excellence Oral Presentation Award)

Influence of freeze-thawing on microstructure of bovine skeletal muscle  

Song S (2019 Seoul National University Applied Animal Science Major Retreat, 2019, Excellence Poster Presentation Award)

Influence of freeze-thawing on muscle fiber structure and meat quality of bovine longissimus lumborum muscle

Song S, Ahn CH, Song M, Kim GD (65th ICoMST, Potsdam, Germany, 2019)

A histochemical approach to distinguish between fresh and freeze-thawed meat

Song S, Ahn CH, Song M, Kim GD (51st KoSFA International Conference & Annual Meeting, 2019)

Understanding the microstructure of skeletal muscle to improve meat quality

Kim GD (2019 Joint Congress of Korean Societies for Animal Science, 2019; Invited Lecture)

Understanding the intramuscular color variation of pork loin to reduce the level of sodium nitrite in ham process

Ahn CH, Song S, Song M, Kim GD (2019 Joint Congress of Korean Societies for Animal Science, 2019; Excellence Poster Presentation Award)

Muscle biological property for understanding physico-chemical variations in meat

Kim GD (축산분야 연구활성화를 위한 심포지엄, 2018; 초청강연)